GROW Your Skills

January 20, 2022 · Skills Management

Written by: Sofie Murphy

As advancements and business models continue their rapid development, organizations are encountering a stage change in the labor force’s abilities. Many companies lack the skills needed to flourish and develop.

Many companies do not have enough workers and skilled candidates to meet the demand of their clients. Short term, this affects utilisation and efficiency. In the long run, however, this can affect the company’s earnings, reputation, and intake of new customers. As demand for new capabilities gathers pace, you need to grow your skills to remain competitive. 

Grow your skills

Here are four ways you can grow your skills supply:

Recruiting is an easy way to tackle the growing skill gap. Procure optimal teams by recruiting people who have the skills you currently lack. 

However, when hiring new employees, it is crucial to not solely focus on a profile that matches current needs. Think of it as a game of chess; you always have to think about the next step, your future needs, and the future market demands.

Upskilling means that you reduce the skills gap by developing your workforce’s existing skills. Minimizing the gap between their current skill level and desired/needed skill level.  Upskill your workforce through courses, certifications. You can also let people take advantage of the collective knowledge and learn from each other. 

Reskilling means developing skills that the workforce does not currently have, but needs in the future.

There is a great benefit in developing what you already have. Not only does your workforce have the skills that they need to deliver, reskilling and upskilling are also great EVP. In the long run, it can help you retain talents and attract motivated candidates. All this without the high costs associated with recruitment. 

External competences

Sooner or later, you will run into a business opportunity or project with competence requirements that your workforce cannot fulfill. You might not have enough time to recruit or upskill, and you risk not being able to deliver what the customer expects. And you risk losing the deal.

However, there is a solution to this problem; external competencies such as partnerships and subcontractors. With many choosing to go freelance, there are now endless external resources that can be brought in. 

Build a network of partners with the skills that you need, so when the need arises, you have the resources to deliver.

How to attract & retain talents

Global Communication & Marketing

Global Communication & Marketing

Sofie joined the Cinode team in the spring of 2021 and works with corporate communication and marketing. She has previous experience in prop-tech and startups, and is passionate about business development.

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