Nano Education – upskilling & reskilling

March 15, 2022 · Skills Management

Written by: Sofie Murphy

The Skills Gap is a hot topic. 87% of businesses experience skills gaps now or expect them within a few years. The numbers are frightening, but don’t let them paralyse you. Upskilling and reskilling are two of the most effective tools to narrow this gap.

We need to be able to keep up with digitisation, and your skills need to match the specific needs and preferences of your customers. The only way to match your skill supply and the market demand is by investing in continuous on-the-job training.

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Global Communication & Marketing

Global Communication & Marketing

Sofie joined the Cinode team in the spring of 2021 and works with corporate communication and marketing. She has previous experience in prop-tech and startups, and is passionate about business development.

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