Försäljning och leverans i osynk? Vad kostar det?

Affärer, projekt och bemanning i ett sömlöst flöde.

The speed you need

Effektivisera försäljning, leverans och bemanning i en och samma plattform. Säkerställ att alla agerar utifrån samma information.

Minska bänktiden

Genom att proaktivt tilldela konsulter till kommande projekt minimerar ni obelagd tid samtidigt som ni maximerar antalet debiterbara timmar.

Perfekt matchning

När säljarna känner till konsultens kompetenser, tillgänglighet och ambition blir alla vinnare - gladare konsulter och nöjdare kunder.

Mer än ett CRM

Hantera kunder, projekt, och roller smidigt i en integrerad vy, där all information bara är ett klick bort. Effektiv leverans och maximerad intäkt!

Sömlös Pipeline Management

Överbrygga gapet mellan sälj och leverans med en gemensam syn på inkommande affärer, kompetensbehov & framtida bemanning.

Data-First Consulting

Utrusta dig med rätt data för försäljning, intäkt- och beläggningsprognoser. Fatta datadrivna och riskminimerande beslut med alla insikter på ett ställe.

Experience Cinode firsthand by trying it out yourself.

Loved by
our users

Mats Andersson

Co Founder / Co Owner / Sales Manager Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

"It is probably the best CRM for the consultant business you can find"

What do you like best about Cinode?

It is designed for the consultant business. It supports the full sales, recruitment, and skill management processes.

Henrik Brusewitz

Sales Director & Cofounder Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

"It's impressive how Cinode integrates resource allocations with sales data."

What do you like best about Cinode?

By using the resource allocation and resource forecasting modules you get sales statistics like revenue forecast and utilization forecast out of the box, this has proven to be very powerful for us.

Timmy Hedlund

COO, Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

Cinode suits our company perfectly.

Everything is scalable, and there are many options you can configure to suit your own organization.

The modules of recruiting, co-worker profile and the CRM itself is my key application, and I look into it every day. It really helps me to get my work done and reminds me if I'm supposed to do something.

The connection between Outlook and Cinode is also one of the best key features.

Margit Matsson

CEO, Small Business

With Cinode, we meet our customers with the right skills at the right time.

The system contributes to a transparent organization and to a reliable supplier and partner.

Cinode makes us more productive in our business and in our recruitment. We are faster and more efficient.

Andreas Wall

Strategic Sales Manager Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

Strong support in planning with a good visualization of booked and available employees and partners in an easy way.

The combination of easily visualizing the skills of all employees, partners together with a good overview of the deal pipeline and planning is strong. All in one platform.

Furthermore also a strong network of partners that are integrated where we have the ability to efficiently respond to deal requests as well as publish available expertise is strong.

Kom igång idag

Registrera er gratis för Cinode Free och få även möjlighet att starta din testperiod på 14 dagar med Skills, Business och Partner.

  • Fullständig åtkomst.
  • Inget kreditkort behövs.
  • Tiotusentals användare.