Nyttjar ni verkligen all er kompetens?

Frigör värdet av er samlade kunskap.

Effektivisera försäljning

Matcha projekt med den bäst lämpade konsulten. Presentera konkret data om teamets färdigheter för potentiella kunder.

Gladare medarbetare

Ta vara på konsulternas kunskap och skapa transparens. Erbjud tydliga möjligheter för kompetens- och karriärutveckling.

Framtidssäkra er kompetens

Insikter om teamets kapacitet utgör underlag vid beslutsfattande om upskill, företagets positionering och erbjudanden.

”With a clear overview of all of our internal skills and ambitions, we can work in a closer and more engaged way towards individual growth. ”

Vem vet vad?

Det är svårt att hålla koll på vem som kan vad, speciellt när det ska gå fort. I Cinode kan du enkelt söka på x kompetens, som ett Google fast för din egna kunskapsbank! Resultatet? Snabbare beslut & fler vunna affärer!

Identifiera ert kompetensgap

Definiera vilka kompetenser som behövs för just era roller. Med Skill Sets får ni insikter om upskilling, reskilling, rekrytering samt partnerskap.

Skapa kompetens- utvecklingsplaner

Presentera medarbetarnas kompetens- och tillväxtmål. Få koll på er utveckling på såväl individuell- som organisatorisk nivå.

Experience Cinode firsthand by trying it out yourself.

Loved by our users

Vernisa Rejhan

Talent and Performance Manager Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

"Cinode gives great possibility to streamline competence"

Cinode has really managed to develop an end-to-end service working addressing competence.

It gathers, structures, and visualizes competence, making it possible to connect it to individual competence growth plans as well as a higher-level competence planning och overview.

Margit Matsson

CEO, Small business (>50 employees)

With Cinode, we meet our customers with the right skills at the right time.

The system contributes to a transparent organization and to a reliable supplier and partner.

Cinode makes us more productive in our business and in our recruitment. We are faster and more efficient.

Johan Skarin

Business Development Manager Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

"The perfect tool for a consultant company"

Cinode is a solution where core processes such as skills management, customer relationship management and the sales pipeline are all integrated in a very nice way.

Handle candidate profiles usually is very time consuming without system support. Cinode has a very nice module for skills management where it is also possible to keep track of the different skillsets within the company.

Anders Franzén

Senior Partner Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

Cinode helps XLENT make faster and better business We chose Cinode many years ago due to our need for a standard tool regarding branding, keeping track and displaying our competencies.

Cinode had and still has a user-friendly user interface that is easy for us to use, which gives us the best tool to make faster and better business.

By using Cinode we, XLENT, can live up to our internal strategies and meet our customer's demands regarding speed and business precision.

Santtu Säävälä

Chief Marketing Officer Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

"Excellent software for managing tech talent"

Cinode is a great software for managing your tech talent in one place.

The skill search and matching modules are particularly useful for quickly finding the required skills available in-house or among job applicants.

Elias Tavsan

Sales Lead, Trusted Advisor Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

With Cinode, management teams as us can quickly get an overview of the skills and competencies present across their organization.

It helps us identify gaps in certain areas and measure employee performance to ensure that they are meeting expectations.

Furthermore, The platform allows our teams to assign tasks and goals to individual employees, track progress toward those objectives, provide feedback on successes and challenges, and recognize outstanding achievements.

Cinode Skills på 3 minuter

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  • Inget kreditkort behövs.
  • Tiotusentals användare.