Conquer the skills gap with Skills Management

Skills Management Nano Education - hands-on advice and practical tips

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Conquer the Skills Gap with Skills Management!

Part 1 - Introduction

87% of businesses experience skills gaps now or expect them within a few years. The numbers are frightening, but don’t let them paralyse you.

Watch our Nano Education to learn more about the skills gap, Skills Management, and how you can retain your skill supply.

KNOW Your Skills

Do you know your Skills?

Part 2

Companies need to be aware of what is happening in the industry and how this affects their clients, and further develop skills with the market requirements as an outline.

How to successfully conduct a skills audit and a skills gap analysis

Part 3

Is your skill supply and the market demand in equilibrium? Does your business have the right skills to compete and succeed in the future?

If you are a leader in a business these questions are crucial for your future business success!

To be on top of your current status, you need to conduct a skill audit and gap analysis.

Skills Audit

Reskill and Upskill

Part 4

The Skills Gap is a hot topic. 87% of businesses experience skills gaps now or expect them within a few years. The numbers are frightening, but don’t let them paralyse you. Upskilling and reskilling are two of the most effective tools to narrow this gap.

Stay tuned for more parts

Skills on a tap

Reduce your skills gap with Cinode, the market's leading Skills Management platform.