Guest blogger - Marika Skärvik, CEO & Founder of PerformancePotential

Guest blogger - Marika Skärvik, CEO & Founder of PerformancePotential

Guest blogger - Marika Skärvik, CEO & Founder of PerformancePotential

Marika Skärvik has been named Manager of the Year and is listed as one of the most powerful women in business by Veckans Affärer. She has been in the IT industry for over 20 years and has held leadership positions at companies such as Microsoft and Tieto, among others. She has extensive experience of board assignments in the IT sector, and she is currently a member of the board at B3 Consulting. Marika has written the leadership book “ Omänskligt mänsklig- när empatin står i vägen för framgångsrik ledarskap”, as well as the handbook "Lurad?- släpp myten om att det är din personlighet som skapar framgång".

1 article

Jun 10 2022 · Consulting, Recruitment

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