Guest bloggers- Tom Andersson and Erik Ringertz, Partners at Netlight

Guest bloggers- Tom Andersson and Erik Ringertz, Partners at Netlight

Guest bloggers- Tom Andersson and Erik Ringertz, Partners at Netlight

Tom Andersson lives in Copenhagen and is a Partner and consultant at Netlight. Through his profession and his long background as an expat i multiple countries in Europe, he has first-hand experience of the effects of unfairness and social injustice. Tom is passionate about equality, equity, diversity, and inclusion, and wants to use his own as well as Netlight’s privileged position to create change and better conditions within the IT industry.

Erik Ringertz is a Partner and founder of Netlight Consulting. He has had a significant influence on the company's cultural capital, which has made the company uniquely successful. This includes matters of inclusion, and consequently, diversity and equality, as part of the culture. Erik became interested in gender equality issues early on, influenced by his engaged female colleagues. Since then, he has tried to take responsibility as a man and business leader. In 2018, Erik Ringertz was appointed Diversity Leader of the year by Wes.

2 articles

May 28 2024 · Consulting, Konsult

Who is best at equality, really?