Simplify your processes with our ready-to-use integrations. Connect seamlessly to a wide range of tools on the market, saving you both time and effort.
Create seamless workflows and enhance your daily operations.
Connect Cinode to almost any app you use, making process automation easy. Move and sync data between multiple apps, in one or both directions. Use ready-made connectors to set up triggers in one app that automatically start actions in others.
Cinode has a well-developed REST API that makes it easy to build integrations with your other tools and systems. For example, you can integrate Cinode with your website, chat-client, accounting system, or time reporting system.
DocumentationsConnecting to your AD with User Provisioning makes it easy to add and remove users, control admins, and login information. SSO (Single-Sign-On) means that your users only need to log in once to access all their systems without having to think about new passwords.
Azure Active Directory
Google Sign In Services
Cinode has complete integrations for all major mail- and calendar platforms, including Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Exchange, Outlook, and Google Calendar. The synchronization is two-way, that is, whether you create a meeting booking via Cinode or through your own calendar, and you see the booking in both places.
Google Workspaces
Microsoft Office
Customize and enhance your Cinode environment with features such as:
-> Integrating external data and tools directly into Cinode
-> Creating custom workflows and one-click actions
-> Making key data visible within Cinode
Examples: Display documents and contracts, show time spent on projects, add products to projects, customer satisfaction, enrich data before sending it for time reporting and billing, etc.
”With a clear overview of all of our internal skills and ambitions, we can work in a closer and more engaged way towards individual growth.”