”"Cinode is the best solution on the market for consulting companies"”

Otto Manninen

Sales and Marketing Director, Nitor

Users Love Cinode

High Performer in Skills Management, HR, Performance, Freelance and CRM according to G2.comHigh Performer in Skills Management, HR, Performance, Freelance and CRMHigh Performer in Skills Management, HR, Performance, Freelance and CRMHigh Performer in Skills Management, HR, Performance, Freelance and CRMHigh Performer in Skills Management, HR, Performance, Freelance and CRM


Customize Cinode after your needs

Integrate Cinode with your other systems for a seamless digitized experience. With our add-on for skills supply, you have full control of all candidates and the recruitment process.

  • Recruit
  • API/Integrations
  • SSO/AD
  • Calendar sync

Do you want to know more?

Book a demo or contact us for more information on how the Cinode platform can help you.

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