Annie the Sales Manager

Meet Annie, a Sales Manager at a mid-sized consulting firm focused on rapid growth. She manages sales, delivery, client satisfaction, and partner relationships. Annie and her team sell services and find the right consultants. When in-house skills fall short, they rely on partners and subcontractors to meet client needs and expand the business.

Annie's challenges before

Who knows what?

Before Cinode, Annie struggled to identify who had the right skills within the company, making it hard to match consultants with client needs quickly.

Who is available? What can I sell?

Sales and delivery were out of sync, leaving Annie in the dark about which consultants were available and what services could be offered. The tools she had didn’t support the consulting process, causing delays and missed opportunities.

Not able to meet all client needs

Annie often couldn’t meet client demands because she lacked visibility into the available skills, both in-house and externally, leaving her unable to fill key roles.

Time-Consuming CV Tailoring

Tailoring CVs for specific client requests was a slow, manual process, consuming too much of Annie’s time and keeping her from focusing on growth and client relationships.

Missed Opportunities

Managing incoming client requests through email was overwhelming, leading to missed opportunities as Annie struggled to stay on top of everything.

With Cinode, Annie gains

Comprehensive Skills Inventory

With Cinode, Annie now has instant access to a comprehensive skills database, making it easier than ever to streamline sales, procurement, and consultant matching.

Unified Sales and Delivery

Annie’s sales, delivery, and staffing processes are finally synchronized on one platform. Everyone is working with the same information, reducing benchtime and maximizing billable hours. Designed specifically for consulting, the platform is easy to use and fully supports her needs.

Expanded Network of external Skills

Annie can now easily find and build networks of external skills. Matching assignments with partners or subcontractors is quick and efficient, and she can announce new opportunities publicly within seconds.

Instant CV Creation

Impressing clients is no longer a hassle for Annie, as she can create tailored, professional CVs instantly, saving her time and effort.

AI-Driven Email Matching

With AI doing the heavy lifting, Annie now automates the matching process, leading to faster responses, more closed deals, and higher utilization of her team.

How does Annie benefit from Cinode?

These solutions helps Annie achieve her goal of rapid growth.


”Information at your fingertips - keeping everybody up to date on the current allocation and sales position.”

Anders Lindberg

Sales Director, Omegapoint

How does Cinode help Annie?

Pain relievers

  • Efficiently match assignments with consultants
  • Better control over utilization
  • Reduced time spent on CV preparation
  • Structured management of subcontractor/partner business
  • Always on top of deals and improve collaboration when closing deals

Gain creators

  • Enhanced collaboration across groups/offices.
  • Increased sales opportunities.
  • Shortened lead times.
  • Better control over processes.
  • Engaged employees, satisfied customers, and happier co-workers.

Loved by
our users.

Andreas Wall

Strategic Sales Manager Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)

Strong support in planning with a good visualization of booked and available employees and partners in an easy way.

The combination of easily visualizing the skills of all employees, partners together with a good overview of the deal pipeline and planning is strong. All in one platform.

Furthermore also a strong network of partners that are integrated where we have the ability to efficiently respond to deal requests as well as publish available expertise is strong.

Lina Säfström

Staffing manager Enterprise(> 1000 emp.)

"Streamlining our processes regarding matching for customer requests and our utilization"

Cinode is a simple and user-friendly system, which gives us a good overview and an efficient matching process by being able to match with both employees, candidates and partners.

We can share all of our available consultant in different regions and countries all over the company, which can lead to more opportunities for our customers, and thus increase our hitrate and market share.

Hugo Arkstedt

Business Development Manager, Small-Business(50 or fewer emp.)

What do you like best about Cinode?

The best part about Cinode is that everything I need is in one place; Creating and downloading (nice looking) resumes, overviewing the sales pipe and other classic CRM features as well as administrating / contacting our subcontractor-consultant network with new assignments.

Want to learn more?

Book a demo of the leading platform for consultancies and take your growth to the next level!

  • Higher utilization rate
  • More won deals
  • Be more efficient