API en integraties

Cinode stelt je in staat om agenda's, Active Directory (AD), Single Sign-On (SSO) en bijna elke app te synchroniseren met behulp van vooraf gebouwde connectoren. Daarnaast kun je profiteren van kant-en-klare integraties en een gebruiksvriendelijke REST API. De mogelijkheden met Cinode zijn werkelijk eindeloos!

Populaire integraties die wij aanraden

Vereenvoudig en verbeter je omgeving met Cinode en deze integraties.

Automatiseer je bedrijfsprocessen over verschillende platformen

Koppel Cinode aan vrijwel elke app die je gebruikt om procesautomatisering makkelijk te maken. Verplaats en synchroniseer gegevens tussen meerdere apps, in één of beide richtingen. Gebruik kant-en-klare connectoren om triggers in te stellen in de ene app die automatisch acties in andere apps starten.

Easy-to-use REST API

Cinode heeft een zorgvuldig ontwikkelde REST API die het makkelijk maakt om integraties te realiseren met andere tools en systemen. Zo kun je Cinode bijvoorbeeld integreren met je website, chat-client, boekhoudprogramma of tijdrapportagesysteem.


Active Directory en SSO

Je AD met User Provisioning verbinden maakt het eenvoudig om gebruikers toe te voegen en te verwijderen, admins te controleren en inloggegevens te beheren. SSO (Single-Sign-On) betekent dat je gebruikers maar één keer hoeven in te loggen om toegang te krijgen tot al hun systemen, zonder dat ze hoeven na te denken over nieuwe wachtwoorden. (Zie hierboven.)

Azure Active Directory

Google Sign In Services

Mail- en agendasynchronisatie

Cinode heeft volledige integraties voor alle belangrijke mail- en agendaplatforms, waaronder Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Exchange, Outlook en Google Calendar. Activeren doe je simpelweg in enkele klikken. Agendasynchronisatie werkt in twee richtingen. Dus of je nu een meeting boekt via Cinode of via je eigen agenda, de afspraak verschijnt simpelweg op beide plekken in je agenda.

Voor degenen die een andere Saas-oplossing hebben, is er eveneens de mogelijkheid om integratiepartner van Cinode te worden.

Google Workspaces

Microsoft Office

UI App Extensions - Cinode aanpassen

Pas je Cinode-omgeving aan en verbeter deze met functies zoals:
-> Externe data en tools direct in Cinode integreren
-> Aangepaste workflows en acties met één klik creëren
-> Belangrijke data zichtbaar maken in Cinode
Voorbeelden: Documenten en contracten weergeven, tijd besteed aan projecten tonen, producten toevoegen aan projecten, klanttevredenheid, data verrijken voordat deze wordt verzonden voor tijdregistratie en facturatie, etc.

Enkele van onze integraties

Inspiratie van onze klanten!

Semcon - Create agreements that are automatically sent for signing to new sub-contractors.
“At Cinode, we work with our network of sub-consultants. The platform has a process for updating the status of a sub consultants from “candidate” to “accepted sub-consultant” in Semcon's network.

A new potential sub-consultant is added directly to our pipeline in Cinode. If the candidate moves on to the last step in “the pipeline signing", a Webhook is sent to "Node-RED" which initiates the next process in Visma.

An agreement is created and sent to the candidate in an email for signing. The signed agreement is then sent back to Node-RED, and then to Cinode. A signed agreement is placed on the candidate, which is then updated to “sub-consultant” in Cinode. ”

- Kjell Brandes, System Developer, Semcon
Castra - automated end-to-end process from lead to invoiced customers with the integration to PE Accounting
"Cinode and PE Accounting are essential puzzle pieces in our growth journey. Both platforms are vital for our continued efficiency.

The integration has enabled us to digitize and automate our processes - streamlining everything from presented CV to invoiced customer. This has resulted in a lot of time being saved, and we can now avoid mistakes that usually occur during the process, which simply leads to better profitability"

Elin Toft, CEO of Castra Group.
Omegapoint - Distribute tailored reports
“To quickly get a weekly overview of the consultants whose assignments are approaching the end date, a comprehensive list of skills, dream assignments and availability is sent out via email to our sales and team leads.

This increases our internal structure, our occupancy and our employees motivation. ”

-Roger Bille, Sales Manager, Omegapoint
Nexer - seamless process from sales, matching, and CV to a won assignment.
- Cinode and Lime are our daily tools for selling and delivering consulting services to our clients. These platforms make us more efficient, faster, and help us win more assignments. Through the integration between the tools, we now have a seamless process from sales, matching, and CVs to successfully winning assignments.

- We appreciate that the integration is "two-way." Whether you are a salesperson primarily working in Lime or a project manager working in Cinode, you will have all the information about the assignment in your daily tool.

Fredrik Sandin, IT Business Solutions Manager, Nexer Group.
AddQ - Receive Slack notifications when an assignment is approaching its end date
"The Cinode API enables automatic reminders that notify us when an assignment is approaching its end date. We collect information about the current assignment role, the consultant, the team to which the consultant belongs and the person responsible for sales for the assignment.

Reminders are then sent out, making the process of handling extended assignments and finding new assignments for our consultants, more proactive and effective. In the end, it leads to a higher occupancy rate."

GoToWork integrates Cinode with Mailchimp to automatically add new subscribers.
“When we add or update our customer contacts in Cinode, a subscriber is created in Mailchimp, which makes it easier for us to send out newsletters or build mail series. The connection is created via the integration platform Zapier. The integration saves us time and strengthens our internal process, as well as it makes communicating with our customers much easier."
Sync Vainu through Zapier with Cinode CRM to quickly create up-to-date customers profiles
“When we receive leads or prospects through marketing, we use Vainu to retrieve information and create customer profiles for our CRM. The connection is created through the integration platform Zapier. The integration provides us with up-to-date company data, making the prospecting process much easier for our sales team.”

- Johan Haeger, Sales Manager Cinode

”With a clear overview of all of our internal skills and ambitions, we can work in a closer and more engaged way towards individual growth. ”