itm8 Partners with Cinode to Boost Competency Visibility and Seamless Collaboration

20 maaliskuun, 2025 · Lehdistötiedote

Kirjoittanut: Mattias Loxi

itm8, a leading IT services provider with 1,700 employees across four countries, has chosen Cinode to gain a clear overview of competencies, streamline CV management, and enhance cross-team collaboration. With Cinode, itm8 is breaking down silos and improving efficiency across the organization.

A year ago, itm8 merged 13 companies with diverse expertise, but overlapping skills and limited visibility created resource planning challenges. To address this, itm8 turned to Cinode.

“Cinode gives us the visibility we need to fully leverage our expertise. We started with our consultancy and sales teams and are now expanding it to our third-line teams to include more specialized employees,” says Søren Frandsen, Executive Partner, at itm8.

Cinode has also helped itm8 overcome old habits. Coming from smaller organizations, employees often relied on familiar colleagues for support. Now, they can efficiently share knowledge and ensure the right expertise is utilized across the company.

“Previously, we used chat platforms like Teams to ask broad questions like ‘who can help with X,’ often getting responses from the same people while others missed the request. Cinode allows us to pinpoint the right person directly, improving response times and knowledge sharing,” adds Søren Frandsen.

itm8 also values Cinode for streamlining CV management and skill tracking. The platform enables quick consultant overviews for projects and supports strategic upskilling by identifying and strengthening key competencies.

“Cinode helps us track and enhance skills across the company, allowing us to focus upskilling efforts where they matter most,” says Søren Frandsen.

By choosing Cinode, itm8 reinforces its commitment to efficiency, collaboration, and continuous development—ensuring every consultant and specialist contributes their expertise in the best possible way.

 “We’re thrilled to welcome itm8 to the Cinode community. Their focus on competency visibility and collaboration aligns perfectly with what Cinode delivers. We look forward to supporting their continued growth,” says Johan Haeger, Sales Executive at Cinode.

Mattias Loxi - Perustaja - Myynti - Markkinointi

Mattias on yksi Cinoden perustajista, jossa hän työskentelee myynnin ja markkinoinnin parissa. Hän johtaa Cinoden markkinointia Ruotsin suosituimman konsulttialan blogin ja suositun "Veckans konsultnyheter" -uutiskirjeen kautta. Lisäksi hän pyörittää podcastia ‘Konsultpodden’. Lisää minut Linkediniin

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