Osaamisen kehittäminen
Osaaminen organisoituna. Gap-analyysi ja kehittäminen.
Tyylikkäät, yhdenmukaiset CV-pohjat ja nopea editori. Räätälöi!
Do you have consultants on the bench? Cinode makes it even easier to match your unassigned consultants with current roles.
Cinode has long offered the market’s most advanced matching function to pair project roles with employees, subcontractors, partner consultants, and candidates. Now, we’re taking it a step further by simplifying the process of matching unassigned consultants directly in the utilization views with vacant project roles.
Secure Assignments with MailMatch
And it gets even better. By using MailMatch, our AI-powered email matching tool, you can gather all open and relevant requests from both the market and your clients in one place. Secure the assignments before someone else does – match them directly with your unassigned consultants.
MailMatch is fully customizable to your needs, so you can choose to receive all opportunities or only those that meet a certain matching threshold. This way, you not only increase your utilization rate but also gain valuable insights into the skills in demand over time.
My colleague Hampus demonstrates the new “Find a Role” feature and how it can help you find the right assignments faster and more efficiently.
Want to learn more?
Mattias Loxi - Perustaja - Myynti - Markkinointi
Mattias Loxi - Perustaja - Myynti - Markkinointi
Mattias on yksi Cinoden perustajista, jossa hän työskentelee myynnin ja markkinoinnin parissa. Hän johtaa Cinoden markkinointia Ruotsin suosituimman konsulttialan blogin ja suositun "Veckans konsultnyheter" -uutiskirjeen kautta. Lisäksi hän pyörittää podcastia ‘Konsultpodden’. Lisää minut Linkediniin